The Words of God
Page 105 of 121

Words of wisdom

Death is inevitable for every embodied spirit being, but the soul itself never dies, being entirely separate from the material body.

The idea I will die a jour originates from ignorance of the data relating to the truth, for the soul, which each of us is in reality, does not undergo the bodily phases of non-existence, of birth, of existence and death.

Knowing this truth, when the hour of death comes, we should immediately meditate on Lord Krishna, so death will not affect us, for unlike the body, we are not born. There has not been a time in the past when we did not exist, and we will not have an end, for the soul is not born and does not die either. She is unborn and immortal.

It must be understood that the real Self, the soul that we are, is distinct from the body and immortal. When the two dense, ethereal, soul-covering bodies of matter die, the spiritual entity within them resumes its spiritual identity. The material bodies, qualities and activities of the spiritual soul are created by the material mind. The soul assumes material existence. Material life, based on the identification of soul with the body, is developed and destroyed by the functioning of the three attributes of material nature; virtue, passion and ignorance, which are the building blocks of the body. The soul within the body is self-luminous, for radiance emanates from its spiritual form, and it is separated from the visible dense matter body and the invisible ethereal body.

By constantly meditating on the Supreme Lord, Krishna, and by developing a clear and logical intelligence, we should carefully consider our true Self and know how it is in the material body. We should consider our spiritual nature to be identical to that of God, the source of all that exists. So, as we turn to the Supreme Soul, we won't even notice death when it comes. Neither will we see our dying body or the material world around us, for then we will realize that we are separated from it.

The Lord said:

At the moment of death, the soul put on a new body, the old one become useless, just as one discards worn clothing and put on new ones.

Death is certain for those who are born, and birth certain for those who die.

That the distinct soul changes its body is evident when the latter has worn out or become unusable. When the body reaches the last stage of its life time, the soul that inhabited it comes out and immediately passes into a new body. It is God's helpers who take on this task.





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