The Words of God
Page 13 of 121

This place is the kingdom of God.

If anyone has a righteous understanding of God, the Supreme King, the King of kings, the Lord of the lords, he does not return here below after having left his carnal envelope. He does not return to the material universe, but returns to God, to his original home, to live there eternally in perfect knowledge and sublime bliss. Why then do people not pay attention to all this pure truth?

What would be the use of being reborn in the material universe, sometimes as a human being, sometimes as a being celestial, and sometimes still as an animal?

What's the point of wasting time like this?

The Lord specifies: When they have reached Me, the holy beings imbued with devotion, these noble souls, having thereby raised themselves to the highest perfection, never return to this transient world where there is suffering.

Our main concern must be to escape the repetition of births and deaths, and to attain the supreme perfection of existence by living with the Supreme King, the Lord of lords, in the spiritual world. Such is the perfection of existence.

Lord Krishna is the One True Being, the One without a second, and all other beings have no existence apart from Him, for He alone contains all things.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is called the Limitless with infinite powers. He is the Sovereign Lord of unlimited powers and sublime attributes. He is also called Ananta [the immeasurable].

Lord Krishna is God, the Supreme Person, almighty and infinitely perfect, Supreme among all beings. In Him is total perfection, absolute purity. No one surpasses Him, or equals Him, He is incomparable. He is the One Absolute without a second, the Absolute Truth, and the Supreme Lord Unlimited, because limitless, and infinite. Krishna is God in his primordial, original, personal, absolute form, the unique source of all plenary emanations, Avatars, and all that IS. Nothing exists apart from Him.

From the Supreme Eternal everything emanates, for He is the original source of all that exists. He is the source of bliss, of true permanent and uninterrupted happiness that bathes all who love and serve him with love and devotion. Even on earth, you will already receive the scent of it. He is the fountain of all happiness. If we come into contact with him through love for God by serving him with love and devotion, then we can taste this transcendent joy. The dedicated love and devotional service to Krishna, the Supreme Person, is the manifestation of love for God.

It is impossible to gain access to true immortality without coming into direct contact with God, the Supreme Person. Because it makes this contact possible, devotional service corresponds to true immortality and definitely leads to God. It is in his form of Visnu that Krishna, the original Supreme Lord, plays his role of support or destroyer.




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