Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 12 of 624

The Forms, Names, Entertainments, Attributes, Companions and Energies of the Supreme Lord, all of which partake of the Absolute, are no different from Him.

His absolute energy for example, acts to the extent of his omnipotence [all power, absolute decision-making power, without limits]. Unique, it manifests in three different ways: as internal, external or marginal energy, and the Lord in his omnipotence can accomplish whatever He wants through any of these three energies. Thus of his will alone, He can transform the external energy into internal energy, in the same way, this external energy serving to illusion the beings who desire it, can, by the grace of the Lord, remove the weight of his influence when the soul conditioned repents of its faults and takes the penitential way. This same energy can still, from this moment there, contribute to the purification of the being who progresses on the path of spiritual realization.

In truth, Krishna, God, the Supreme person has very vast energies of which the three main ones are; internal energy, which is also internal power and bliss, external energy, which is also material energy, and marginal energy of which we are all components

The internal energy of the Lord is shared in turn into three divisions called; samvit, hladini and sandhini. The hladini energy is more precisely its power of bliss. It is present in every spiritual being, since everyone seeks happiness in one or other of its forms. This is an inclination which corresponds to the deep nature of the living being.

The power of bliss related to the internal energy of Krishna is very difficult to understand, and it remains so as long as one does not develop the knowledge that we must have of the Lord.

Krishna can find no pleasure in this world of dense matter, since He has his own power of bliss. And we who are an integral part of his Being, of his Person, we also have a part of this energy, but it is within the framework of matter that our efforts to manifest it are currently being carried out.

The Supreme Lord transcends the lower and marginal energies. He is fully established in his spiritual energy, which manifests in three modes: eternal existence, eternal bliss, and eternal knowledge.

Eternal existence is under his sandhini power, bliss and knowledge respectively of his hladhini and samvit powers. As Supreme Lord, source of all energies, He is the ultimate Master of spiritual, marginal and material energies, and all of these varieties of energies and powers are found related to the Lord through eternal devotional service.

Krishna, the Supreme Lord, enjoys infinite bliss in his eternal spiritual form. The spiritual and absolute form of the Lord exists eternally in the purest spiritual bliss. The Supreme Lord can, by his inconceivable powers, create the infinity of galaxies while remaining identical to himself, perfect and complete in himself. He is complete




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