Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 145 of 624

1.      nature of our actions and their consequences.

The cosmic manifestation is dissolved in two ways. One occurs every 4 billion 320 million (4,320,000,000) solar years, when Brahma, ruler of the universe, takes his nightly rest. The other, where the entire galaxy is destroyed, takes place at the end of Brahma's life, which lasts 100 of his years, i.e. 311 trillion 40 billion (311,040,000,000) years. solar, or 4 billion 320 million x 2 (one day and one night) x per 30 days x 12 months x 100 years. At either of these two annihilations, the material energy and the marginal energy are absorbed into the body of the Supreme Lord. Living beings then remain asleep there, until the material galaxy is created again. These are the ways of the creation, maintenance and destruction of the material world.

Material creation is produced by the interaction of the three gunas, set in motion by the Lord; so it is said that the Lord existed before the manifestation of material influences. Only Visnu, the Supreme Lord, existed before creation, without Brahma, Siva, or any other celestial being. This Visnu is Maha-Visnu, lying on the ocean of causes; by the action of its single breath emanate from its body innumerable galaxies, in the form of seeds, which then gradually develop into gigantic spheres each containing innumerable planets, just as the seeds of a banyan tree grow until they form huge trees, with countless branches

Living beings automatically restore into the Body of Maha-Visnu at the end of the hundred years of Brahma's life. But thus reabsorbed in Him, the distinct beings keep their own identity; and as soon as by the will of the Lord the creation again rejoins the manifested state, all beings, until then inactive, and as if asleep, find themselves free to resume their various activities, in the course of their conditions of past existence. This is called the principle of awakening after sleep and resuming one's own activities. When a man sleeps at night, he forgets his identity, his homework and all of his waking activities. But as soon as he regains consciousness, everything he needs to do comes back to him, and he resumes his activities. Likewise, living beings remain in the body of Maha-Visnu as long as the annihilation of the galaxy lasts; but as soon as the time of creation comes again, they awaken, they resume their unfinished tasks.

The Lord said: With the day of Brahma are born all varieties of beings; et
his night come, all are annihilated. Endless, day after
day, day is reborn, and each time myriads of beings
are brought back into existence. Endlessly, night after night, la
night falls, and with it, beings, into annihilation, without their being able to do anything about it. However, there is another world, it eternal,
beyond the two states, manifested and unmanifested, of matter.
Supreme world, which never perishes; when everything in the galaxy
material is dissolved, it remains intact




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