Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 159 of 624

Logos 154

Goto table of logos

The Lord said: “when you adopt devotional service, the time will come or in the course of your creative activities, you will see me in you and everywhere in the universe, just as you will see in me your own person, the whole universe and all living beings”.

you will see me in every being as well as in every place of the universe. It is only once you have reached this level of spiritual vision that you will be able to free yourself from any form of illusion

Any man who prays like Brahma, (the demiurge and first created being) worshiping my divine attributes and thus adores me, will soon see all his desires fulfilled by my grace, for I am the master of all blessings.

I am the Supreme Soul, the Soul of all beings, the Supreme Master and dearest of all. Men wrongly attach themselves to material and ethereal bodies when in truth they should attach themselves only to Me.

If you want to benefit from my favor, establish yourself in austerity and meditation, conform to the principles of knowledge. Thanks to these acts, everything will be revealed to you from the inside, in your heart.

The austerities are:

1.      renouncing any illicit sexual activity;

2.      renouncing the consumption of animal flesh, (meat, fish, egg);

3.      renouncing the use of stimulants or toxic substances;

4.      and renouncing any game of chance

The mercy which the Lord bestows on he who fulfills a responsibility entrusted to him is beyond all imagination. But it should be understood that his mercy is received only because of the austerities accomplished and the perseverance shown in the execution of the service of love and devotion dedicated to him.
Such instructions or revelations, under the sign of devotional service, the way of developing love for God in its purity, come directly from the Lord, seated in the heart of every being.

Logos 155

Goto table of logos

The Lord always shows himself more and more merciful to the fallen souls of our world, fallen souls that we all are.




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