Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 196 of 624

Logos 218

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In truth, it is the Supreme Soul, also called the Holy Spirit, who directs everything, in collaboration with the individual soul (We). This Supreme Soul, directing the activities of the body, differs from it as well as from the breath which animates it.

The Supreme Lord says: I stand in the heart of every being, and from Me comes the remembrance, knowing and forgetting.

Although the soul is present in every material body, it is not really the most important person who acts through the senses, the mind, etc. The individual soul can only act in collaboration with the Supreme Soul, for it is the latter which gives it directives to act or not. No one can act without the approval of the Supreme Soul, for She is the witness of acts and it is She who consents or not to their accomplishment. One who studies carefully under the direction of a genuine spiritual master can grasp the spiritual knowledge that God, the Supreme Person, is in fact the one who directs all the activities of the individual soul, as well as the one who orders their consequences. Although the individual soul is in possession of the senses, it is not really its master, they in fact belong to the Supreme Soul.

The Supreme Soul advises the individual soul to surrender to It to find happiness in this way. By doing so, she can become immortal and join the spiritual realm, where she will experience the highest achievement in the form of an eternal existence, all of knowledge and bliss.

In truth, the individual soul is different from the body, senses, vital force and airs which circulate inside the body; moreover, above her is the Supreme Soul, which provides her with all the facilities. Now, the individual soul which makes everything to the Supreme Soul lives very happy inside the body.

Logos 219

Goto table of logos

It is written: “If the incarnated and conditioned souls meditate in a way or another on God, they will free themselves from all their faults. Whether they think of Him as the adored Lord or as an enemy, constantly meditating on His Person, they will find their spiritual body”.

The Lord says: Free from all ties, freed out of fear and anger, completely absorbed in Me and seeking refuge in Me, many who became purified as they came to know Me, and thus all came to pure love for Me.

Should he commit the worst deeds, he who is engaged in devotional service should be considered a holy man, for he is on the perfect path.




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