Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 221 of 624

The song of the Holy Names of the Lord, words in Sanskrit which mean: O Lord, Ô Source of all happiness, please make me your beloved servant.

hare krishna, hare krishna, krishna krishna, hare hare / hare rama, hare rama, rama rama, hare hare.

Logos 262

Goto table of logos

It is the presence of the soul that brings about the growth and the various transformations of the body. After the annihilation of the body, the soul is not destroyed, but continues to live. The soul knows neither birth nor death. Alive, she will never cease to be. Unborn, immortal, original, eternal, it never had a beginning and never will have an end. It does not die with the body.

Death only represents the destruction of the material, gross body. We all know from experience that when we dream at night we leave our bedroom carried away by the ethereal body consisting of mind, intelligence and false ego. Although our gross material body, it remains lying on the bed. The ego, the soul, thus constantly passes from the material body to the ethereal body. We dream with the ethereal body, and coming out of the dream state, we re-enter the material body. And it is this passage of the soul carried by the ethereal body from one material body to another that is called death.

The ethereal body, composed of the mind, intelligence and ego material, carries us from one body to another, according to our thoughts at the moment of death. The soul will thus have to take on a new body of matter corresponding to these thoughts, these desires.

Logos 263

Goto table of logos

Those who fail in their attempt to approach God, in other words, those who do not succeed fully in the consciousness of God will be reborn into a family of high condition, material or spiritual.

If this is the case with unhappy candidates who fail, what about those who actually achieve the desired success?

So, any effort, even incomplete, to return to God, assures us of being reborn under favorable conditions. Both spiritualist families and wealthy families are conducive to spiritual upliftment, for under these conditions one will more easily have the opportunity to resume progress where it left off in the previous life. Indeed, for those who devote themselves to spiritual realization, the atmosphere which reigns within such families favors the development of spiritual knowledge.




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