Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 230 of 624

1.      Not to have sex outside of marriage, because too much sex ruins the purity or cleanliness of body and mind.

2.      Refrain from all intoxicants such as alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, marijuana and other drugs, as this destroys austerity or repentance.

3.      Do not indulge in gambling or monetary speculation, as this ruins truthfulness or honesty

Logos 278

Goto table of logos

Intelligence is the result of acts committed in one's past life, and the state of virtue, passion or ignorance which was ours at that time.

The Supreme Eternal says: By virtue of the divine consciousness acquired in his past life, the being is naturally drawn to the practice of yoga (the link that unites us to God), sometimes even without his knowledge.

Some will be born into rich families and may acquire a good education, while others, born of poor families, will remain poorly educated. It should be understood here that opulence, aristocracy, education and beauty are the fruits of past acts. Either way, everyone must be educated in the consciousness of God, regardless of their position in this world. In this sense, there is equality of opportunity.

It is written: The races Kirâta, Hûna, Ândhra, Pulinda, Pulkasa, Âbhîra, Sumbha, Yavana, Khasa, as well as others also tainted with faults, can be purified by taking refuge from the devotees of the Lord, for God possesses all power. To Him my most humble homage. Thus, even the outcast can be formed in the consciousness of God, for this is at the level of the soul.

Logos 279

Goto table of logos

The Supreme Eternal says: “Of all that is luminous, the Supreme Soul is the source of light. She is unmanifest, She dwells beyond the darkness of matter. It is knowledge, the object of knowledge and the goal of knowledge. She dwells in everyone's heart”.

The Supreme Soul, or God, the Supreme Person, is the source of light in all shining objects, such as the sun, moon, stars, etc. The spiritual world, enlightened by the radiance of the Supreme Lord, has no need of the sun or the moon. In the material universe, however, this radiance, the irradiated spiritual light of the Lord, is veiled by the material nature, or the material elements; various light sources, such as the sun, the moon, electric energy… are therefore necessary.




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