Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
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devotion and constantly meditating on Me, for that one, I am the Deliverer who will soon snatch him from the ocean of dead and rebirth.

The Lord is clearly saying here that He will very quickly free His devotees from the bonds of material existence. Devotional service leads man to realize the greatness of God, and to know that the individual soul distinct from the Supreme Lord is subordinate to Him, that it has the duty to serve him, and that otherwise, it will have to serve maya, the energy of illusion. Only devotional service can enable us to approach the Supreme Lord. So one has to dedicate oneself entirely to Krishna, act only for Him and fully absorb one's mind in Him, in order to return to Him. It does not matter what activity you choose, but whether it is dedicated to Krishna and to Him alone. This is the rule of devotional service. The holy being desires no completion other than the satisfaction of God, the Supreme Person. His life's mission is to please Krishna, and he is willing to sacrifice everything for Him. The method is very simple: devote oneself to Krishna in his occupation while chanting or reciting,

Hare Krishna, hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, hare hare / Hare Rama, hare Rama, Rama Rama, hare hare

This song of the Holy Names of the Lord in Sanskrit means: O Lord, ô energy of the Lord, let me serve you.

The Supreme Lord here promises to leave the ocean without delay of material existence the pure being thus dedicated to his service. The holy being can arrive with joy and without difficulty at the supreme destination, which no other spiritual path allows to reach. One must abandon all other paths of spiritual realization, and simply perform devotional service in Krishna consciousness; thus can one attain the highest perfection of existence. The pure being need not worry about sinful acts committed in his previous life, for the Supreme Lord protects him even in this regard. It is therefore useless to seek to free oneself, to reach spiritual realization by oneself. Let everyone take refuge with the Supreme and Omnipotent Lord, Sri Krishna, for such is the highest perfection of existence.

Logos 344

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Lord Krishna, said: “Since I am absolute, to- beyond the fallible and the infallible, since I am the greatest of all, the world and the Vedas (the original holy scriptures) celebrate Me as this Supreme Person. He who, free from doubts, knows Me thus, like God, the Supreme Person, that one, know it, his knowledge embraces everything. This is why with all his being he serves Me with love and devotion. What I am revealing to you now is the most secret part of the Vedic scriptures (the original holy scriptures, "the true gospel"). Whoever grasps its content will know wisdom, and his efforts will bring him to perfection”.




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