Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 301 of 624

No, for the truth is we will not remain American, European, African, Asian or anything else. We may think that having been born in the United States, in Europe, in Africa, in Asia or elsewhere, we are very happy, but we will not be able to remain so for long. We will have to leave this place someday whether we like it or not, and we know nothing of what lies ahead in our next life.

This is why life is said to be miserable and temporary. Only those who have abandoned themselves to God and who serve him with love and devotion, know that they will go to find the Lord in his absolute kingdom, all of knowledge, happiness and eternity.

This is true knowledge and the perfection of existence.

Logos 358

Goto table of logos

We are all born unclean, and we can all become pure. God gives us our whole life to achieve it.

In truth, if we are serious, we can become pure in all places, in North, Central and South America, in the Caribbean, in Europe, in Africa, in Asia, Oceania, everywhere.

We must purify ourselves by strictly following the following regulatory principles; Not to have sex outside of marriage, not to eat meat, fish or eggs, not to take drugs and exciting products such as alcohol, coffee, tea, cigarettes, not to gamble. gambling, and reciting or chanting the Holy Names of God on our rosary, so that we will no longer live in sin.

In truth, the four regulating principles mean renouncing the materialistic life centered on the pleasure of the senses, for the much more sublime spiritual life, which allows us to serve God with love and devotion.

It is also important to walk in the footsteps of holy beings, of holy characters, to practice austerity, penance, repentance, if we are to achieve transcendental realization. Each of us must experience a certain austerity to prepare for our future. Austerity is the sincere, voluntary and definitive renunciation of all desires linked to the pleasures of the senses. Also, let's practice austerity, the regulatory principles mentioned above, in order to obtain permanent happiness. For this, we must purify our existence and our body. As long as we have a material body, we will have to change it and therefore reincarnate again and again.

But as soon as we have a spiritual body, there will no longer be any question of change and therefore of transmigration. We already have this spiritual body in truth, but it is covered by our material body.




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