Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 320 of 624

When will those who choose the path of wickedness understand, that hatred, racism, anger, violence, revenge, resentment, engenders closed-mindedness, scleroses the intellect, undermines discernment, prevents any prospect of the future, accentuates sadness, increases suffering and alienates from God?

Alone, unconditional love, kindness, kindness, generosity, compassion, tolerance, mercy, magnanimity, humility and benevolence, open the mind to God, to the truth, make it possible to acquire the consciousness of God, uplift and free the being, widen space-time and make sadness disappear. When the incarnate spiritual soul serves the Supreme Lord, it frees itself from all material needs, and its senses are purified by the simple fact of being employed in the service of the Supreme Eternal.

Reincarnation is a reality hidden from all people. men by demonic beings.

Reincarnation is actualized by actions, thoughts, words and desires, which determine what will be the next existence, and the body which will be ours. Then the cycle of deaths and rebirths will start without end, accompanied by its share of suffering.

All those who love God, obey him, do his divine will and serve him with love and devotion escape reincarnation, because the Lord will put an end to their sojourn in the material universe, and will take them to Him in His eternal kingdom.

Logos 369

Goto table of logos

The most beautiful mark of love that a person can show towards those she loves, and better still, with regard to the whole of humanity, it is that which consists in offering them three marvelous gifts, the most beautiful that exist:

God, eternal spiritual knowledge and absolute truth.

Do not seek to amass, to accumulate, to increase your material goods, your wealth, your power, for all this is temporary, ephemeral and will inevitably bring your downfall. You will know the confinement in matter and you will suffer from it, because you will undergo the infernal cycle of rebirths and repeated deaths.

But on the contrary, turn to God, surrender yourself to Him, love him, obey -Serve him with love and devotion, and thus, assuredly, you will amass bounties in the kingdom of God, which you will keep for eternity.

Logos 370

Goto table of logos

Concerning eternal life, God said:




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