Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 345 of 624

Because constantly absorbed in devotional service, the one who always remembers Me, without deviation, Reaches Me without difficulty.

When they have reached Me, the spiritualists imbued with devotion, these noble souls, having thus raised themselves to the highest perfection, never again return to this world transitory, where there is suffering.

Lord Krishna is Absolute Truth, and devotion to His Person, manifested in pure love, has its source in the chanting of His Holy Name, the very essence of bliss. The true devotee of God, who loves and is faithful to him, has no personal desire. He alone knows true peace, which never attains those who strive for personal gain. The holy being, entirely devoted to the Supreme Lord, has only one desire: to satisfy Him; therefore he can easily attain it, as the Lord Himself promised him. The virtuous saint, who can offer his service to the Lord in one or other of its absolute forms, does not encounter any of the difficulties which beset men. Devotional service dedicated to God is an act pure, simple, and joyful in application.

Logos 398

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Let us surrender to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person

Meditation also called absorption of the mind, involves the concentration of thoughts on the supreme cause of all that exists, that is Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, even if at that moment one does not know its exact nature, personal, impersonal or localized. Lord Krishna is the root cause of all causes.

Such concentration on the Absolute (God) is a form of devotional service. Indeed, to interrupt any sensory pursuit to focus on the supreme cause is a mark of self-surrender, such surrender in turn is a sure mark of dedicated devotional service to Krishna. Every being must dedicate himself to the service of love and devotion offered to Lord Krishna, if he desires to know the ultimate cause of his existence.

Surrender willingly to Krishna, carrying out all his instructions, obeying Him and to do all his divine will spontaneously, immediately, frees from all the consequences of sin, however numerous they may be, and offers the liberation of this material world.

To abandon oneself to God is to have absolute trust in Him, to the point of offering Him your life, your existence, everything you have and everything you do.

Abandoning yourself to the Lord is to take great pleasure in serving Him with love and devotion, and love to satisfy him.

A surrender to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, is synonymous with total purification. So, as soon as a being surrenders to Krishna, God, he certainly becomes free from all defilements.




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