Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 353 of 624

The Lord says: Forward you entirely mine. By My grace you will know absolute peace, and you will attain My eternal and supreme abode.

Logos 403

Goto table of logos

Nothing can happen or happen without God allowing or willing it.

Only the one for whom everything is originally intended, the Sovereign Lord, Krishna, is sure to always achieve victory. God is the originator of the creation, preservation and destruction of the universe, and He knows everything. Being under His dependence and forced to put on material bodies, living beings, who are subordinate to Him, sometimes experience victory and sometimes defeat.

The Lord says: I stand in the heart of every being, and from Me come remembrance, knowledge and forgetting.

During combat, adversaries act according to the will of God, the Sovereign Person, who is the Supreme Soul.

The Lord Krishna declares: Under the influence of the three gunas [of the three attributes and modes of influence of material nature; virtue, passion and ignorance], the soul misled by the false ego [the desire to dominate material nature and the fact of identifying with one's body] believes to be the author of its acts, whereas in reality, they are accomplished by nature.

All beings act only according to the will of God. The Lord transmits his orders to material nature, which makes all the arrangements necessary for souls embodied and conditioned by matter. These are therefore not independent, although they foolishly imagine themselves to be the authors of their acts. Victory always belongs to God. As for the subordinate beings, they fight according to the arrangements foreseen by the Lord. Victory or defeat is not really theirs, it is the result of arrangements made by the Lord through material nature. Pride in victory or gloom in defeat are therefore quite inappropriate. You have to depend entirely on God, the Supreme Person, for He alone is responsible for the victories and defeats of all beings.

In this regard, he recommends: Perform your duty, for action is better than inaction.

The individual being distinct from God, whom each of us is, is inspired to act in accordance with his social position. His victory or defeat depends entirely on the Supreme Lord.

The Lord further specifies: You have the right to fulfill the duties incumbent upon you, but not that of enjoying the fruit of your deeds.




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