Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 369 of 624

Logos 415

Goto table of logos

When Lord Krishna leaves a galaxy after his divine mission is completed, it is to appear immediately in another galaxy

The Lord appears in each age in a given galaxy, as soon as the rulers submissive find themselves in hardship, and for the pleasure of his pure devotees.

Verily, the Lord descends to protect his devotees, to annihilate demonic disbelievers, and to restore spirituality.

When these signs appear in a galaxy, the Lord descend.

When some human beings behave like animals, have no other concern than their personal interests, the air quickly becomes heavy with anarchy or other dreadful social diseases. Nepotism, corruption, deception, aggression and, by inevitable consequence, famines, epidemics, wars and other factors of trouble develop in society. The devotees of the Lord, the believers, are particularly targeted by persecutions of all kinds.

These multiplied signs indicate that the time has come for the Lord to appear on earth for example or on a particular planet of a galaxy, in order to dethrone bad leaders and restore the principles of religion.

Now, when the Lord comes down to earth it is in his spiritual and absolute form, without any trace of material attributes. He appears for the sole purpose of keeping his creation in a state of balance and harmony. He placed in each of the planets of the galaxy whatever their inhabitants might need, so that everyone could live happily while doing their duty, and ultimately achieve salvation by adhering to the regulatory principles given by the holy scriptures.

For all practical purposes, the material galaxy is created to satisfy the whims of souls eternally conditioned by matter, it has no other use. But when those who inhabit it are seized with the intoxication of the so-called power, conferred by material science, to illicitly exploit the resources of material nature without the approval of the Lord and for the sole purpose of satisfying the senses, then it becomes necessary for the Lord to come down to chastise the rebels and protect the believers.

The Lord appears and disappears in countless galaxies, and when He is present in a particular galaxy, that latter bathes in spiritual light, while another one, which He has just left, is then plunged into darkness again.

However, these entertainments go on eternally. Indeed, the Lord is always present in one or the other of the innumerable galaxies. The disappearance of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, in a given galaxy corresponds to the start of his many entertainments in another galaxy. To be more precise, as soon as an entertainment




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