Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 415 of 624

All those who enter the eternal and absolute realm of Krishna, God the Supreme Person, never return to the material universe where there is suffering.

If they have reached the state of purity and choose to serve God with love and devotion, they no longer return here below after having left their carnal envelope, but return to God in their original home to live there eternally in perfect knowledge and sublime bliss.

Logos 441

Goto table of logos

Our current actions and activities are sure to determine what our next life will be.

It is the thoughts, memories and desires that, at the moment of death, determine what our future existence will be, and the body which will be ours.

This is our comp at the time of death, our mental state, and our thoughts, words and actions, which will activate our karma. The material bodies that we put on are in reality the product of our mental activities.

In truth, karma is a law of nature according to which any material action, good or bad, necessarily entails consequences, which have the effect of chaining its author ever more closely to material existence and to the cycle of repeated deaths and rebirths, and leads the author to suffer in his future life if his acts are culpable. It is the law of action, law of action-reaction, or law of cause and effect.

Below are excerpts from Manu-samhita, The laws of Manu, the father of humanity and the true Adam, the author of this treaty on the rights and duties of each living creature. This treatise concerning the cosmic, natural, social order, traces the laws and the rules of conduct that the human being must follow and reveals in chapter 12, the consequences which result from the guilty and therefore sinful acts or activities that the living being will suffer in his future life. This treaty also makes it possible to know very clearly the direct link which exists between the karmic activity in this case and the consequences of the guilty or sinful acts which result from it, and the future reincarnation.

The more embodied beings, animated and inclined to sensuality indulge in the pleasure of the senses, the more the finesse of their senses develops. Due to the degree of their stubbornness in committing evil deeds, these fools will experience more and more cruel punishments here below, returning to the world in such or such vile form.

They will be born in the forms of exposed animals to continual penalties. They will suffer alternately, feeling the pain of excess cold and heat, and will be plagued by all kinds of terrors.




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