Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 434 of 624

it fit to achieve liberation and the spiritual world, from which one has more to return to the material universe. Such is the fruit of knowledge.

Its purpose is to see distinctly that, by some incident, we have fallen to the level of material existence. As a result of personal efforts and in contact with the holy scriptures, the sages and a spiritual master authentic servant of God, all making authorities in the matter, we must know our real position, then, enlightened by the divine word such as that which is given by God in person, we will be able to return to the spiritual consciousness, the consciousness of Krishna, the consciousness of God.

In this way we will be sure to never return to the material existence where there is suffering, but to be transported to the spiritual world, to taste an eternal life of knowledge and bliss.

As long as the individual soul distinct from God (which each of us is) acts under the influence of bodily designations or impulses and according to the bodily concept of existence, it is not free. Let her let go of these bodily impulses and accept to become the servant of God, and she will be released. The Lord Supreme is the only one who can grant liberation.

We must act only for God. Otherwise, we follow each other. Whoever says freedom says to act for the Supreme Person. So we are freed from karma, from the law of action-reaction, from the law of cause and effect.

When we act for God it is in full freedom, but when we act for ourselves karma binds us, we lose our freedom and we will have to suffer the consequences of our own actions.

Only in the kingdom of the Supreme Eternal, Krishna, does true happiness exist, for God who dwells there is its pure source.

This is how we should behave.

The Vedas, the original holy scriptures also called The true gospel specify: Those who speak of brotherhood and universal solidarity, but only take into consideration the material body, are false philanthropists. The true notion of universal brotherhood is that which leads to ignoring the color of the material body and the shape of the latter. It is that which leads to love all living beings, humans, animals and plants with an equal love, which considers only the spiritual soul and which leads to seeing in each body of matter only the individual soul distinct from God beside the Supreme Soul also called Holy Spirit, Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, the Sovereign Lord.

Krishna is God, the Supreme Person, all rests in Him.

In truth, only those who have their mind absorbed in God can achieve it. It is through the service of love and devotion offered to God, and by him alone, that we can know




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