Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 456 of 624

Indeed, a human being, and even less a holy servant or a holy servant of God, must never be malicious or needlessly violent. Very many ants cross the path we take, but the human being must watch his steps always looking at a meter in front of him, and when there are no more ants in his path, he can then put his foot down On the ground. The heart of a holy being always overflows with kindness towards all living beings, humans, animals and plants.

In his teaching, the Lord says that living beings take on bodies of various shapes. However, unbelievers consider that only human beings are worthy of their compassion, while God Himself declares to be the Supreme Father of all beings whatever they are. Consequently, the holy being is constantly careful not to destroy, early or unnecessarily, any form of life.

In truth, every spiritual being must spend a certain time imprisoned in a certain material body, human, animal or vegetable, and it must reach the end of this time before evolving into another form of body.

The fact of killing an animal or any other living being puts an obstacle in its path by preventing it from leading ultimately its period of incarceration in a given body. As a result, one should not kill any living being, human, animal or plant, for his own pleasure, under pain of being responsible for a sinful activity and having to pay the price in the form of suffering in his next existence. What we have done will be done to us.

We do not have the right to prevent an incarnate soul in any body, human, animal or plant, from progressing and seeking God.

To interrupt the existence of a spiritual soul who simply wants to progress in terms of true spirituality causes terrible suffering to the latter. Also, we must preserve life, not destroy it, and ensure that it is so for each of all living beings, humans, animals and plants, all species combined.

If the human being has a soul, know that all animals and all plants without exception, also have a spiritual soul. These are not empty bodies.

This is why God asks us to stop slaughtering animals, no longer destroying plants including trees, and no longer eating meat, fish and eggs.

Verily, the imperfect eye cannot see things as they are, from their proper perspective. One can only perceive truth if one receives it from a higher source, and the highest truth there is spiritual knowledge emitted by the Lord Himself. Only the human being who has reached his spiritual liberation can become a virtuous being and see all living beings as his own brothers and sisters.

The holy being for his part, sees each living being as a spiritual soul, and when he serves his neighbor, it is to her alone that he addresses himself, at the same time meeting the material and spiritual needs of his brothers and sisters.




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