Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 469 of 624

The Lord asks us to love our neighbor, whoever he is. Whatever his race, his nation, his origin, the color of his skin; white, black, yellow, red, mestizo, its religion, its culture, etc., because we all have the same origin, we all come from the marginal energy of God. By the application of this commandment, the Supreme Lord wishes that we put in place a harmonious, peaceful, respectful, benevolent, compassionate, tolerant society, of which He would be the Sovereign Monarch for the good of all living beings.

Let us love each other with unconditional love, and do not harm anyone. Those who truly love God, also quite naturally love all living beings, celestial beings, the inhabitants of the Edenic and paradisiacal planets, and all human beings without exception, because their heart is really love. The true believer rejects no one, and has no enemy.

Love of neighbor as God conceives it is also to love all animals without exception and all plants in their diversity, to protect and watch over them on them all, so that no harm be done to them.

Loving your neighbor is all this.

Logos 451

Goto table of logos

Forgetting our relationship with God is the cause of our connection to the cycle death and successive rebirth.

As spiritual entities we are all as eternal as the Supreme Lord Himself. But due to forgetting our true identity, we have been placed in material nature and forced to reincarnate, moving from one body to another, sometimes of different shape and nature. However, when our body is destroyed, we also believe we are perishing at the same time. In truth, it is forgetting the relationship that unites us to God that is at the origin of the destruction of our body.

Anyone who regains consciousness of their original relationship with the Lord receives all inspiration from Him. This does not mean, however, that the Lord is the enemy of some and the friend of others. No, God helps all living beings, celestial beings, inhabitants of Edenic planets, paradisiacal planets, human beings, animals and plants, in the same way. But he who does not allow himself to be led astray by the influence of material energy is saved, when others perish or die. No one can be saved from repeated deaths and rebirths without the help of the Supreme Lord. It is therefore the duty of all beings to seek refuge with God, and thus free themselves from the cycle of repeated death and rebirth.




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