Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 502 of 624

The separate being has no real independence, but only a reflection of the independence of Krishna, the Supreme Being. Therefore, the soul conditioned by matter and illusory energy, which claims to be supremely independent, is under the grip of illusion. This delusion strikes beings with a poor background of knowledge. Thus the shimmering reflection of the sun, moon, fire and electricity dazzle the so-called scholars, doctors, empiricists and others, who go to the extent of denying the existence of the Supreme Lord, while advancing their numerous theories and speculations on the creation, maintenance and annihilation of the material manifestation.

The doctor may deny the existence of the soul in the body of the separate being, but he is unable to bring a corpse back to life, although all the mechanisms of the body continue to exist after death.

Psychologists, on the other hand, make extensive studies of the physiology of the brain, as if it were the arrangement of the brain tissue that allowed thought to be expressed, but they remain incapable of bringing mental activity back to life in a corpse.

Thus, scholars study the cosmic manifestation or the constitution of the body, without seeing any connection with the Supreme Lord, but these are only various forms of intellectual gymnastics, which in the end are nothing but a pure illusion. All this progress of science and knowledge in the present context of this materialistic civilization is nothing but a reflection of the illusory energy, which manifests its influence by veiling the reality.

The Lord is the original source of all emanation, and all that is created, maintained and annihilated exists only by His energy. The one who knows this truth, the sensible man, is truly a wise scholar engaged in the service of absolute love offered to the Lord, he will rise to the stage of pure devotion.

Although the energy of the Lord offers various illusory reflections to the vision of beings with deficient knowledge, the thoughtful one realizes that by the interplay of His various energies, the Lord can act even though He is far away, beyond our vision, just as fire can spread heat and light at a distance.




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