Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 531 of 624

Logos 471

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Why does God allow viruses, the covid 19 pandemic, drought, fires, heat, floods, etc., and wars to take place?

The truth is that one man's misbehavior has repercussions on his whole family.

It is for this reason that a worthy and noble man wishes to suffer his punishment alone. He does not want any calamity to befall him and his family, and he wants to bear the burden of his fault alone, without any detours. He expects that his personal suffering will lead him to refrain in the future from any further ineptitude, and that the fault of which he was guilty will thus be redeemed so that his descendants will not have to suffer from it.

This is how a responsible saint thinks. In return, his family members also share in the fruits of his service to the Lord. In fact, the greatest benefit or blessing the Lord can bestow on a family is to bring forth a saint.

It is the sins of mankind, arising from their sinful thoughts, words and deeds, coupled with their refusal to obey God, to respect and apply His laws and commandments, and to serve Him with devotion, that are the cause of the various wars, global warming, droughts, fires, heavy rains, floods, etc., the depletion of milk and agricultural produce, and the suffering they undergo.

All living beings in this material world act under the influence of material energy, only fools believe that they can improve what God has created, and that they can act with impunity. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the heads of families to ensure that God's laws are respected and enforced.

If men do not stop abortion, killing land and water animals in slaughterhouses, in the sea by trawlers and in fish and aquaculture ponds, if they do not stop eating the flesh of land and water animals, if they do not stop extracting fossil fuels, coal, oil and natural gas from the earth, viruses, epidemics, natural calamities and chaos will continue, man will continue to suffer.

On the other hand, if men obey God and do all that He says, if they surrender to Him and serve Him with love and devotion, and if they sing the glories of the Holy Names of God:

Haré Krishna, haré Krishna, Krishna Krishna, haré haré / Haré Rama, haré Rama, Rama Rama, haré haré.

This wonderful Sanskrit chant means: O Energy of the Lord, O Lord, O Source of all happiness, please make me your beloved servant (your beloved maid). Haré is the energy of the Lord, Krishna and Rama are His Holy Names.




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