Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 567 of 624

The Lord reveals the soul as it really is.

The Blessed Lord says:

There was never a time when we did not exist, I, you and all these kings, and never will any of us cease to be.

At the moment of death, the soul takes on a new body, as naturally as it passed into the previous one, from childhood to youth and then to old age. This change does not disturb those who are aware of their spiritual nature.

The masters of truth have concluded that the real is eternal and the illusory impermanent, and this after studying their respective natures.

Know that that which penetrates the whole body cannot be destroyed. No one can destroy the imperishable soul.

The soul is indestructible, eternal and without measure. Only the material bodies it borrows are subject to destruction.

Ignorant is he who believes that the soul can kill or be killed. The wise man knows that it neither kills nor dies.

The soul knows neither birth nor death. Living, it will never cease to be. Unborn, immortal, original, eternal, it never had a beginning, and never will have an end. It does not die with the body.

How can he who knows that the soul is unborn, immutable, eternal and indestructible, kill or cause to be killed?

At the moment of death, the soul puts on a new body, the old one no longer needed, just as one casts off worn-out clothes to put on new ones.

No weapon can split the soul, no fire can burn it, no water can wet it, no wind can dry it.

The soul is indivisible and insoluble. Fire does not reach it, it cannot be dried up. It is immortal and eternal, omnipresent, unchangeable and fixed.

It is said of the soul that it is invisible, inconceivable and immutable. Knowing this, you should not lament over the body.

And even if you believe the soul to be endlessly taken over by birth and death, you have no reason to grieve.

Death is certain for those who are born, and birth is certain for those who die. Since you have to do your duty, you should not feel sorry for yourself.

All created things are originally unmanifest. They manifest in their transitory state, and when dissolved, become unmanifest. What is the use of grieving over this?

Some people see the soul, and it is an amazing wonder to them. So too do others speak of it, and still others hear of it. There are some, however, who, even after hearing about it, cannot conceive of it.

He who sits in the body is eternal, he cannot be killed. Therefore, you have no need to mourn anyone.




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