Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 584 of 624

The right and pure attitude, which gives true freedom, true bliss and true eternal life.

The Lord says: If you become conscious of Me, all the obstacles of conditioned existence, by My grace, you will overcome them. If, however, you do not act with such awareness, but with the false ego, closing your ear to Me, you will be lost.

The false ego is the force that binds the incarnate being to material existence. This force pushes the incarnated soul to identify itself with its body and to want to dominate matter.

Two distinct attitudes animate the incarnated being: not wanting to act in Krishna consciousness and acting in Krishna consciousness.

The one that consists in not wanting to act in Krishna consciousness. From then on, carried away by the sole pleasure of our senses, seeking only the fulfilment of our own self-interested desires, we will have to face the fact that all our thoughts, words and actions produce positive or negative effects according to the color of our heart, the consequences of which we will sooner or later have to suffer in the form of benefits or harms.

Let us be aware that those who act outside of Krishna consciousness cannot know what freedom from anxiety and worry is, because every conditioned being is subject to the strict laws of matter. Hence, they get lost in the material entanglements and are chained to the cycle of repeated reincarnations, and will suffer in every life the misfortunes and sufferings inherent in the sinful acts committed in their previous life.

In truth, no soul conditioned by matter knows what to do or not to do.

The second and most beautiful attitude is that of acting in Krishna consciousness. The saintly being, the devotee established in Krishna consciousness, does not care at all about the demands of material existence.

Verily, those who act in Krishna consciousness or God consciousness, the Lord becomes the dearest, most intimate friend, who always takes great care of those whom He loves. Krishna gives Himself to these devoted friends, who with so much love always strives, twenty-four hours a day, to please Him by their pure acts.

No one should therefore be carried away by the false ego, by the material conception of existence, centered on the body. One should never, least of all artificially, believe oneself to be independent of the laws of material nature, or free to act as one pleases. As soon as they act in Krishna consciousness, they are freed from the anguishing entanglements of matter.

The beings who act in Krishna consciousness then know the true freedom of action, because for them, the action is suggested from within them by Krishna, in His aspect of the Supreme Soul. From then on they surrender themselves totally to Krishna, and choose to serve Him with love and devotion, making themselves eternal servants of the Lord. Since their thoughts, words and actions no longer have any effects or consequences of any kind, they break the chains that kept them imprisoned in matter and put an end to the cycle of reincarnations. Now pure, they can enter the spiritual world, where true life, true freedom, true bliss and eternity are found.




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