Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 70 of 624

indestructible and free from all imperfections related to this material world. Each produces its own radiance, which equals the inconceivable radiance of millions of suns united.

Those who inhabit it are free from old age, disease, death and rebirth, and their perfect knowledge is all-encompassing. They are pure and free from any form of desire. Like the Lord Himself, their spiritual body is all knowledge, bliss and eternity. There, they act only to offer the Sovereign Lord of the spiritual planets a service of sublime love. These liberated beings ceaselessly chant the hymns of Sama-veda, wonderful spiritual songs to the glory of Lord Krishna.

The kingdom of God is spiritual and absolute. In this absolute kingdom, the Lord and His eternal servants all possess auspicious, infallible, spiritual, and everlasting youthful character forms. In short, there is no birth, no disease, no old age, no death. This eternal land, rich in spiritual pleasures, conceals beauty and bliss.

Master of immortality and therefore Himself immortal, Krishna, God, the Supreme Person can confer this quality on his devotees. Also, those who reach his immortal abode will never have to return to this material world where death and suffering reign.

This suffering is conspicuous by its absence in the eternal kingdom of God, forever free from God. influence of eternal time, and therefore of all fear. True happiness is inherent in the spiritual world. The absolute realm is by nature saturated with happiness, with ever-increasing happiness by the force of ever-renewed appreciation. There, bliss never dulls.

In the kingdom of God, every word is a song, and every step is a dance.

Vrindavana is a place of eternally spiritual nature, populated by goddesses of fortune, known as gopis. All of them are Krishna's beloveds and He is their only love.

Trees are all wish-trees that you can get anything you want. The earth is made up of philosopher's stone, and the water is real nectar. Every word is a song, every step is a dance, and Krishna's flute accompanies his gestures at all times. Lord Krishna, dressed in bright yellow clothes and adorned with a very beautiful lotus garland, sometimes sings in a very beautiful soft voice. A very pleasant smell emanates from his sublime body, which spreads over a hundred kilometers around, permeating the atmosphere to the delight of all beings. It shines with great beauty.

Everything shines with its own light. Those who obey Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, who follow his instructions, who do his will, who surrender themselves to Him and serve Him with love and devotion, will very quickly reach their original, spiritual, and as a condition. spiritual beings, they will return to the Lord to hear him play his wonderful flute. They will be attracted and fascinated by the sublime spiritual sound vibrations that emanate from them, but also to play, dance.




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