Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 88 of 624

Logos 25

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God commands to harm no one

L he human being must not ignore any living being, the celestial beings inhabiting the Edenic, paradisiacal planets, human beings, animals and plants. He must know that in every living being, however insignificant it may be, an ant or a microbe, God is present at his side, so that we must be benevolent towards all and do not do violence to any of them. In today's so-called civilized society, certain religious principles allow and encourage the existence of a large number of slaughterhouses; but if man has no knowledge of the presence of God in every living being, any alleged progress of human civilization, whether on the spiritual or material level, can only result from ignorance. Why be surprised at the chaos that reigns in this world and the rise of atheism. This is what we call spiritual suicide.

He who loves God, also naturally loves all living beings without exception, because he wants the good of all and sees the Supreme Lord at their side. Let us love one another, and see that each one has his or her part in living, by the grace of God.

The Lord Supreme gives us this advice: Non-violence, sincerity, honesty, the desire for the happiness and well-being of all others, and protection from lust, anger and greed are duties for all members of society.

Logos 26

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When a purified holy being is ready, there occurs what is commonly called death, which is ultimately only a sudden change of body.

In truth, as soon as death which concerns only the body occurs, the soul is immediately transported into her ethereal body by the assistants of God and placed in the womb of a new mother, who creates for her a new body. She is therefore immediately plunged into a deep sleep. For a holy being, this change is like lightning, which is simultaneously accompanied by bright light. By the will of the Supreme Lord, he develops a spiritual body the very instant he leaves the material body. Let us note however that even before death, the pure being is freed from all material attachment and that he possesses, by virtue of his permanent contact with the Lord, an entirely spiritualized body. Apart from the holy being, all the others reincarnate immediately.

The Supreme Lord says to this effect: At the moment of death, the soul takes on a new body, also naturally that it passed, in the previous one, from childhood to youth, then to old age. This change does not disturb those who are aware of their spiritual nature.




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