The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 95 of 150

The soul has no responsibility, it attends the action as a simple witness, but it nevertheless finds itself forced to act in this way because of the offense it has committed against Krishna, God, in the framework of the eternal relationship which unites her to Him. This is the reason why Krishna declares that his material energy is so powerful that it proves to be insurmountable. However, it is enough for the soul to realize that its original and eternal natural position consists in serving Krishna, and that it strives to act according to this principle, for it to be immediately freed from the influence of the energy. material, through its aspect of material nature, and that, however conditioned it was.

Lord Krishna supports anyone who surrenders to Him, in a feeling of helplessness, after which the influence of material energy vanishes.

In truth, the spiritual soul is in reality all knowledge, bliss and eternity. Nevertheless, because it is in the clutches of maya, the material energy, it must endure the sufferings of birth, sickness, old age and death, and this in a continuous and perpetual way for those who distance themselves from God.

We must work to seriously remedy this condition of existence and develop our Krishna consciousness or God consciousness. We will then be relieved of our prolonged suffering without any difficulty.

Let us understand that the suffering of the soul conditioned by the material nature is due to its attachment to the material nature, and this attachment must be passed on to Lord Krishna.

Material nature is at the origin of the material bodies and of the senses inherent in each of these bodies in which the souls are embodied, which are enclosed therein. This truth is known to sages or men of learning.

As for the feelings of happiness and distress experienced by the soul, which by nature transcends matter, they come from the spiritual soul itself.

Lord Krishna teaches that when He descends into the material universe, it is as a Supreme Person, through his own spiritual energy. He does it freely, without constraint of any kind, because it is entertainment on his part. It is according to his good will that he comes.

The soul that each of us is, is forced to accept a type of body and senses, under the influence of the three attributes and modes of influence of material nature: virtue, passion and ignorance. This body is therefore not attributed to him according to his own choice. In other words, the conditioned soul does not have the possibility to choose the body in which it will reincarnate, it is obliged to accept a given form of body according to its karma, law action-reaction or law of cause to effect.

However, when manifestations of happiness or unhappiness appear in the body, it should be known that they come from the soul itself.

But if he wishes, the embodied being or the embodied soul, can transform his conditioned existence, all of dualities, good-bad, true-false, just-unjust, victory-defeat, hot-cold, etc., by choosing to serve Krishna with love and devotion.

The embodied individual being is himself responsible for his own suffering, but he can just as well also become the craftsman of his own happiness for eternity. Also, that he desires to be absorbed in Krishna consciousness, and a suitable body will be offered to him by the internal energy, the spiritual power of Lord Krishna. But if he wants to satisfy his senses instead, he will obtain a material body that he did not choose.

It is therefore up to him to choose to live in a spiritual body or in a material body. But once his choice has been made, he will have to enjoy or suffer the consequences of this choice.




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