The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
Page 29 of 88

I stand in the heart of every being, and from Me come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness. The Supreme Lord stands in the hearts of all beings and directs their wanderings to all, each standing as on a machine (the material body) constituted by material energy.

He who is fully conscious of Me attains the cessation of material suffering, because he knows that I am the ultimate beneficiary of all sacrifices and all austerities, the Sovereign of all the stars and of all celestial beings, as well as the friend and benefactor of all living beings.

You have the right to fulfill the duties that fall to you, but not to enjoy the fruit of your actions. (Each according to our position we must fulfill our duties, but we must leave Krishna alone to decide entirely the result of our actions)

Whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you sacrifice and lavish, whatever austerities you practice, whether it is to offer it to me. Thus, you will free yourself from the consequences of your acts, all of which are virtuous and culpable. By this principle of renunciation, you will be liberated and come to Me.

I want to see all beings in this world happy.

The highest spiritual perfection.

The highest perfection that a human being can achieve is to constantly think of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, to remember the Lord throughout and at the end of his life, to be conscious of Him, but above all to love Him.

The spiritual world in which God resides is complete, without any trace of imperfection, all knowledge, bliss, eternity, peace, and free from the hold of time. All is pure virtue. No impure and imperfect being can enter it. Only those who love Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, who obey him and serve him with love and devotion can have access to it.

The Lord says of Him: “Unlimited power lies in Me, and therefore Me is known as infinite, or omnipresent. The cosmic manifestation appeared in Me from My material energy, and in this universal manifestation appeared the first being, Brahma, who had no material mother”.

The Lord possesses innumerable powers, all of which are unlimited. Consequently, the Lord Himself and all His attributes, forms and entertainments are also infinite.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person exists at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of all that is, from the tiniest particle of cosmic manifestation, the atom, to the gigantic galaxies and the totality of material energy. He is eternal, for He has no beginning, no middle and no end. His existence can be perceived in these three phases, which clearly shows his perpetuity. When cosmic manifestation does not exist, He exists as the original power. He is Absolute, infallible and without beginning.




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