The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
Page 59 of 88

The proposal of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is by far the most beautiful, because it begins with love for God, continues with the strengthening of the bond of love that unites us to Him, continues with total abandonment of oneself to his Divine Person, then, by the service of love and devotion that we offer him, grants us the grace to serve him eternally, and ends in his sublime infinite and absolute kingdom, where the Sovereign Lord offers us the knowledge absolute, perfect, permanent, unceasing bliss or bliss, and eternal life.

Lord Krishna says: “Surrender yourself to Me, and I will give you the intelligence through which you can come to Me”.

God teaches that one must necessarily strive to attain the kingdom of transcendental and absolute light. The spiritual world naturally shines with its own light, when the material universe is enveloped in darkness.

Those who want to leave the material cosmos and, of course, the galaxy where they live, where darkness shines, can. All they have to do is turn to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, and choose to serve Him with love and devotion, so that immediately the darkness will dissipate and the pure transcendental light will appear.

Lord Krishna says: “It is only through devotional service, and only in this way, that one can know Me as I am. And the being who, by such devotion becomes fully conscious of My Person, can then enter My absolute kingdom”.

Must restore and renew a covenant with God, all who love him.

God says: “Know that it is the Lord your God who is God. This faithful God keeps his covenant and goodness until the thousandth generation to those who love him and keep his commandments.

The goodness of the Lord lasts from eternity to eternity for those who fear him, and his righteousness remains for the children of their children, for those who keep his covenant and remember his commandments to put them into practice.

Now, if you listen to My voice and keep my covenant, you will belong to Me personally among the peoples, for all the earth belongs to Me”.

The covenant that God makes with men is a union or agreement made between the Lord and all those who love him, do his will, abandon themselves to him, serve him with love and devotion and put his word into practice. its teaching, its precepts, its regulative principles and its commandments.

This covenant is made and accepted by all men who believe in God, who want to walk by his side, obey him and take pleasure in pleasing him.




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