The Way of Liberation, of True Freedom
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The cure for perpetual sleep in which we are all immersed.

Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the Golden Avatar says:

“I will open the way to the religion of this age, the collective song of the holy name of the Lord. I will thus give the world to taste the four forms of sweet exchange that are attached to the service of love and devotion, and thereby make him dance in ecstasy.”

«Accepting the role of a devotee, I will teach by My example the practice of devotional service».

“I have brought remedy to the perpetual sleep in which all beings are immersed. Please accept the Holy Name of the Lord, the maha-mantra [the great mantra, the spiritual sound vibration] Hare Krishna, and wake up”.

“Glory to the Holy Names of Krishna. From our hearts he sweeps away all unclean things accumulated over the ages, he extinguishes the burning fire of conditioned existence, with his endless births and deaths. The sankirtana movement [sankirtana: any activity that aims to spread the glories of God for the benefit of all beings. Its main manifestation is to hum in public the song of the Holy Names of the Lord, always accompanied by dances and distribution of consecrated foods] spreads on all human beings the greatest blessing, spreading its rays like the benevolent moon. As a weapon of spiritual knowledge, it makes the ocean of absolute bliss grow and allows us to fully savor the nectar we yearn for.”

If one takes Krishna consciousness, God consciousness, very seriously, he can resist the provocations of sin. The following four forms of sin should be avoided:

It is therefore forbidden to have illicit sex, outside marriage, to eat meat, fish and eggs, to consume drugs and all intoxicants, such as drug substitutes and other opiates, alcohol, coffee, tea, Smoking cigarettes, and gambling.

If by the grace of the Lord we can remain faithful to the regulating principles of the prohibitions mentioned above, and sing the hymn of the Holy Names of God, «Hare Krishna», the Lord will not fail to protect us. In fact, Kṛiṣhṇa declares that his devotee is never defeated. All those who follow this discipline of Krishna consciousness must submit to strict observance of the regulatory principles and remain firm in the practice of chanting the Holy Names of the Lord.

If we do this, we have nothing to fear, especially in our time.

It is enough for a sinner to pronounce the Holy Name of Krishna to neutralize the consequences of more faults than he can ever commit. If one pronounces the Holy Name of the Lord, whether in a desperate condition or involuntarily, all the consequences of his faults fly away. By pronouncing once the Holy Name of the Lord, composed of the two syllables Krish-na, one is sure to achieve liberation.

The ritual activities recommended in the religious scriptures for the atonement of sins are not enough to purify the heart in an absolute way, for after the atonement the mind again rushes towards material acts. Therefore, for those who aspire to be delivered from the material consequences of their self-interested actions, the chanting “Hare Krishna”, or the glorification of the Name, Fame and Entertainment of the Lord, is the most perfect method of atonement, because this practice alone completely clears the heart of its impurities.




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