Getting To Know God
Page 10 of 176

The Journey of Life

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is the ultimate goal of existence, and knowing him as He really is must be our only true goal and concern.

The real purpose of the journey of life is to return to God.

Purity is the fundamental principle of divine consciousness, and it is essential to reestablish our eternal relationship with God.

Let us not forget that the primordial and indispensable side of existence is to find our true spiritual identity.

Our lives must all be committed to the service of God.

We must develop a deep love and affection for Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, only means by which one reaches the spiritual level where it is possible to live in the company of the Lord.

This is the perfection of existence.

The Lord is the support of all that Is.

By his supernatural, inconceivable power, the Se ignor Krishna sustains all that Is, all living beings. For example He supports the planets, stars, solar systems and galaxies in space and their orbit.

He is the support and guide of humanity, the true protector and the true support of living beings, celestial beings, the inhabitants of the Edenic planets, paradisiacal, human beings, animals and plants.

Lord Krishna protects from all perils and supports Himself his devotee.

How to solve the true problems of existence?

Avare is the one who, betraying his human nature, leaves this world as an animal would, without having solved the problems of existence and without having understood the science of spiritual realization.

In truth, material progress and prosperity can in no way allow us to overcome the problems of existence that are; Birth, sickness, old age and death.

Human beings will know peace and true happiness only if they seek the help of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, and inquire about his sublime education. Lord Krishna is the major key that solves the problems of existence. We must therefore seek refuge in Him, surrender to Him, and become aware of His Divine Person. From then on all our problems will be solved, and our difficulties and our sufferings will disappear.




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