Getting To Know God
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be called, Visnu Yasa, who will be a wise scholar, and the name of his village, Sambhala. These words will be verified in time and place, one after the other.

The Avatar Kalki is this formidable character who must destroy the mass of atheistic beings born during the age of Kali. Today, while we are still at the beginning of the Kali-yuga, the Iron Age, many principles contrary to religion are already in place, and as this age increases, many other pseudo-religious principles will not fail to be introduced into society. People will forget the true religious principles, stated by Lord Krishna before the beginning of the kali-yuga, that ask to surrender to the Lord. Unfortunately, because of this age of discord, quarrels and hypocrisy, people without intelligence will not surrender themselves to God.

(Those who want to consult the “Prophecies for the Age of Kali, the current age, the age of discord, hypocrisy and quarrels” can go to my website: and open the book “Divine Messages” page 33)

The innumerable manifestations of the Lord, this ocean of virtue, are like streams without number flowing from inexhaustible sources.

The list of divine manifestations reproduced here is incomplete, and gives only a brief overview of all the Avatars. In fact, there are many others, such as Sri Hayagriva, Hari, Hamsa, Prsnigarbha, Vibhu, Satyasena, Vaikuntha, Sarvabhauma, Visvaksena, Dharmasetu, Sudhama, Yogesvara, Brhadbhanu ..., which have appeared in past ages.

In his prayers to the Lord, Sri Prahlada Maharaja says: “You appear, my Lord, in as many forms as there are living things, among the aquatic beings, the plants, the reptiles, the birds, the mammals, the men, celestial beings ..., in order to protect the faithful and to annihilate the disbelievers, thus appearing according to the needs of each age.Thus, in the age of Kali, the Iron Age, discord and quarrels, the present age, You take the appearance of a saint, of a sage.”

This is of course Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

Although the Lord appears many times in various forms -Rama, Nrsimha, Varaha, Matsya, Kurma ...- He sometimes manifests himself in his primordial form, as Sri Krishna or Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. We should not consider him an Avatar in the same way as the others, but rather as the source of all Avatars.

The Lord is the inexhaustible source of countless Avatars. The scriptures do not all mention them individually, but they recognize themselves in the extraordinary acts they perform, and of which no one else would be able. This is usually the way to identify an Avatar directly or indirectly empowered. Most of the Avatars mentioned above, including Matsya for example, are plenary emanations; some, however, are endowed by the Lord with specific powers, such as Kumaras, endowed with spiritual knowledge, or Sri Narada, master of devotional service, or Prthu Maharaja, with executive powers. Thus, the innumerable manifestations of the endless and endless Lord appear across all universes, like the unbroken flow of a waterfall.




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