Getting To Know God
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innumerable palaces built of this marvelous stone. There, the Lord keeps his herds of superabhi cows, always surrounded by goddesses of fortune who, by thousands, serve Him with love and veneration. In addition to the spiritual dwelling of the Lord, the radiance that emanates from the Lord's planet is like the light that emanates from the sun. If he has not pierced the radiance of this radiance, no one can see Goloka Vrindavana, the wonderful home of the Supreme Lord, let alone Krishna.

Impersonalist philosophers can never, blinded by the radiance of radiance, see the spiritual form of the Lord any more than Goloka, his eternal kingdom. The pure devotee of Krishna therefore prays here the Lord to remove the dazzling rays of his radiance, so that he can see his form, all of happiness. In truth, Krishna, God, the Supreme Person remains at the heart of this wonderful radiance that emanates from his Person and extends to infinity. She is the veil and the mask to the eyes of the impersonalists.

God being the Absolute Truth, the one who keeps all the universes, (the galaxies) the Original Sage and the Benefactor of all beings, is not Impersonal as the impersonalists believe, since He has a totally spiritual human form. Although the Lord maintains all beings, it is with particular care that he provides for the needs of his devotees, because having exceeded the impersonal radiance, they can see his eternal form and thus realize in its fullness the Absolute Truth.

Know that all aspects of the Absolute Truth are present in the Supreme Person, for He is all-powerful, perfectly spiritual, and absolute. The Absolute Truth, God, the Supreme Person, is only partially manifested in radiance, which is why the realization of the Impersonal Supreme Being is considered incomplete. All beings live in Him and He lives in each of them.

The Lord provides for all the needs of his devotees and guides them progressively towards the perfection of devotion. At the peak of this perfection, He gives himself to his devotees in an exchange of love. Through their infinite grace, they can intimately bond with Him and return to the supreme spiritual planet, Goloka Vrindavana. The Lord is the Supreme Creator, He can give those who serve Him all the qualities to return to Him. He is the first Cause, the Cause of all causes, and thus, by the direct manifestation of his internal power, the sole cause of his own pleasure.

Living beings (spiritual souls) are tiny emanations of the Lord, and when they manifest the desire to become God, He allows them to enter into material creation, where they can attempt to satisfy that desire. They animate matter and set in motion the whole cosmic manifestation. The Lord gives them every facility to dominate the material nature, but He remains the Absolute Master of their activities in the form of the Supreme Soul.

The Supreme Lord, being at the origin of both the Impersonal Supreme Being and the Supreme Soul, is the Source of all that exists, the animate as well as the inanimate. Whoever has this knowledge immediately commits himself to his service. In being




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