Getting To Know God
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unbelievers, by this eternal power of Brahmajyoti, He remains veiled, they can not see Him as He is.

This subject definitively settles the dilemma between personalism and impersonalism. If the Form of God, the Supreme Person, was Maya, that is to say, material, as the impersonalists claim, it would be necessary to suppose that, like all beings, He changes without end of body and forgets the unfolding of his past lives. Indeed, no being clothed in a material body can remember his past lives, any more than predict his future, in this life or in the other, he can not see the past, the present or the future; unless he is released, no one can.

However, Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, who does not belong to ordinary mortals, claims to know everything about the past, the present and the future. We have seen that he remembers having instructed Vivasvan, the celestial being of the sun, millions of years ago. God also knows all beings at the same time, because He lives in the heart of each of them. And yet, although he remains within each being as the Supreme Soul, he remains beyond the material universe as the Divine and Absolute Person. The beings with the limited intelligence can not understand that he is the Supreme Lord, to the imperishable Body. He is the sun hidden by the cloud of Maya, the material energy. We see, in the sky, the sun, the planets and the stars. But sometimes, the clouds rob them temporarily. But this veil is a veil only for our imperfect senses, because the sun, the moon and the stars are not really hidden. Likewise, maya can not envelop the Supreme Lord; but this one, by its internal power, is not manifested to the eyes of men of less intelligence. Only a few men, among millions, try to perfect their lives; and among them, only one may be able to know God. So, even if one is accomplished in the realization of the Impersonal Supreme Spiritual Being or the ubiquitous Supreme Soul, it remains impossible, without God's consciousness, to realize the Supreme Personality of Godhead in his prime form, Lord Krishna, God, the Supreme Lord.

To see God as He is, we must surrender ourselves to Him and serve Him with love and devotion. Devotional service is the manifestation of love we feel for Krishna, God.

Krishna is fluent in all languages

Krishna is the Absolute Being and as such, the only one who knows all the peoples of the earth, of all the planets of the galaxy “Milky Way”, but also of all the planets of all the galaxies of the material cosmos. He masters all languages, since He knows all peoples, and especially Sanskrit, that heavenly beings speak in their Edenic cities, but also the other languages ​​of this world, and even those of animals.

It is written, “How wonderful it is to see Krishna, who has conquered the heart of all the gopis, the young girls of Vrajabhumi, speak with them the dialect of Vraja, and then address the heavenly beings in the Sanskrit language, then to cows and buffaloes




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