Do Not Kill The Animals, Do Not Eat Their Flesh
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By following the health of 43,000 men over 30 years, the study also shows that replacing red meat even once a day with quality vegetables [cereals whole, legumes, nuts] reduces the risk of heart disease.

The Centre international de recherche sur le cancer (CIRC) agrees, stating that excessive consumption of red meat [beef, veal, pork, goat, lamb], and cold cuts [sausages, cured ham, bacon, etc.], promotes the risk of colorectal cancer. to the formation of aldehyde, a compound harmful to DNA and cells.

On the other hand, nitrites, an additive which gives ham its pink color, would lead to the formation of N-nitrosated compounds [nitrosamines or nitrosamides], which are carcinogenic.

In addition, saturated fat in meat also tends to clog arteries and promote cardiovascular disease.

Red meat accelerates the aging of our arteries. The more red meat we eat, the faster our arteries age.

“Nothing will do more to increase the chances of survival on earth, than adopting a vegetarian diet”. Albert Einstein.

Non-violence and respect for terrestrial, flying, crawling and aquatic animals.

My mother was convinced, and in this regard I have kept his convictions, that killing animals to feed on their flesh and blood is one of the most deplorable and the most shameful infirmities of the human condition; that it is one of those curses cast on man by the hardening of his own evil. She believed, and I believe like her, that these habits of hardening the heart towards the sweetest animals, these immolations, these appetites for blood, this sight of palpitating flesh, are made to ferocious the instincts of the heart.

Let us no longer eat terrestrial and aquatic animal flesh.

The poet Shelley was a committed vegetarian. In his essay entitled “A Vindication of natural Diet”, he wrote: “That the supporters of the meat diet force themselves to a conclusive experiment on the merits of such a diet and, as Plutarch recommends, that they tear a still living lamb with their teeth and, plunge their heads into its vital organs, quench their thirst in the steaming blood... Only then will they be in accord with their convictions”.




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