Do Not Kill The Animals, Do Not Eat Their Flesh
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those who wish to become aware of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, to honor the reliefs of the consecrated food which they will have previously offered to the Lord.

If we eat the food consecrated and offered to God beforehand, we will contract the consciousness of God.

As you can see, the Lord does not ask us to offer Him anything else. In truth, Krishna is a vegetarian. Being God, Krishna can eat whatever pleases Him. He tells us that we can offer Him with love and devotion, a leaf, a flower, a fruit, water, but He never asked us to offer Him meat, fish, eggs and wine.

The consecrated meal first offered to God makes us immune to material defilement.

During an epidemic, we vaccinate people to make them immune to the microbe. Likewise, when one takes food first offered to Lord Krishna, one can resist all attacks of material energy. He who always acts thus is called a devotee of the Lord. In this way, the Krishna conscious being, who eats only food offered to God, can erase all the consequences of his bad relationship with matter and open the way to spiritual realization.

On the other hand, those who do not continue to increase the volume of their culpable acts. They are thus preparing another body, like that of a dog or a pig, in which they will have to suffer the consequences of their sins. Material energy is the source of all contaminations, but the one immunized by the food offered to Krishna escapes its attacks. Everyone else is a victim, without recourse.

In truth, when we only eat vegetarian foods that we first offer to God, then these are purified, because they are accepted by the Lord. We thus free ourselves from our karma and we become immune to any material contamination.

It is forbidden to eat meat, fish and eggs, because in truth to eat meat is to participate in the unnecessary slaughter of other living beings. It elicits bad karma reactions in the present life or the next. The laws of karma specify that whoever kills an animal for food will himself become a victim in his next life and will in turn be devoured.

Verily, the punishment for a crime is justified, for it brings about righteousness and restores rights. Therefore, whoever kills an animal must expect the same fate. This is true righteousness.

According to divine law, righteousness requires that the murderer be condemned to death. It would be unfair to spare him since by escaping death, he also escapes justice, he will then have to suffer terribly in his next life. In order to save him from such torments, the murderer must be put to death in his present life.




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