Do Not Kill The Animals, Do Not Eat Their Flesh
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The Supreme Lord condemns keenly the existence of these death centers. Know that if the human being does not obey God and does not stop aborting, and eating meat, fish and eggs, there will be future calamities, such as world wars, severe epidemics that will block everything, famines… which will fall because of the karma accumulated by the animal holocaust on societies, peoples, nations, which support such abominable activities, unforgivable in the eyes of God.

Every created being is the son of the Lord Supreme, who does not tolerate even the killing of an ant. For such an act, by the law of the Lord, it will be necessary to pay the price. Also, to indulge in the killing of animals for the sole pleasure of the tongue, is the crudest form of ignorance. Man has no need to kill animals for food, because God gives him all kinds of delicious food for this purpose. Whoever, despite this, persists in consuming meat, fish and eggs, acts under the influence of ignorance, pleasure of the senses and prepares for himself a dark future.

In truth, all those who kill and eat the flesh of animals will go to Maharaurava, an infernal planet located in hell. Will go into this hell, all those who participate in the killing of terrestrial and aquatic animals, namely; the herders who drive their animals to the slaughterhouse, the priest workers of the slaughterhouses, the butchers who butcher the corpses of animals and sell them, the sinful sailors who take them out of the water and kill them by asphyxiation, the fishmongers who sell their flesh, and the carnivorous humans who consume it.

If the mass of people is to be saved from these chain reactions of killing life after life, they must now devote themselves to developing the consciousness of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, and stopping all sinful activity.

We must fight the evil at the root if we want it to disappear.

The current disease is the corona virus, covid-19, and its root is none other than the insatiable and disproportionate desire to eat meat, fish and eggs. The consequence of this despicable desire is the massacre of innocent terrestrial and aquatic animals in slaughterhouses, fish and aquaculture ponds, and in the open sea by factory boats which kill aquatic beings by asphyxiation.

If we really want to eradicate covid-19, it's very simple, just close slaughterhouses, fish and aquaculture ponds, industrial and artisanal fisheries, stop the massacre of innocent land animals and aquatic life, and to ban the consumption of meat, fish and eggs.

In this safe way, you will stop covid-19 cleanly. Otherwise you will never be able to stop it.

The intelligent human being knows that it is not possible to fight against the laws of nature nor against material nature itself, because the latter acts under the authority of God. The vaccine protects momentarily, but does not negate the harm.




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