The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 103 of 728

Our thoughts at the moment of death determine our future birth or existence.

It appears here that the woman must have been a man in her previous life, a man who, because of his attachment to his wife, has now obtained a woman's body! The Bhagavad-gita confirms it: our thoughts at the moment of death determine our future birth. The man too attached to his wife will naturally think of her in the ultimate moment, so that he will be reborn in a woman's body. Similarly, if a woman thinks of her husband at the hour of death, she will naturally live her next life in a man's body. Hence the Hindu Scriptures give so much importance to the chastity of woman and her devotion to man. A woman's attachment to her husband may enable her to obtain a man's body in her future life. However, man's attachment to a woman will only degrade him, forcing him into his next life to put on a woman's body. As Bhagavad-gita teaches, we must never forget that the bodies of matter, coarse and subtle (ethereal), are only garments; They represent the shirt and the costume of the soul. Thus, the fact of being a man or a woman refers only to the body clothing. The soul, by nature, belongs to the marginal energy of the Supreme Lord.

Besides, each living being, as energy, is considered as originally a feminine essence, that is, as an object of pleasure. The body of man allows more to tear from the grasp of matter than that of woman. Thus our verse indicates that one should not misuse a man's body by attaching oneself to women and by over-embracing oneself in the pleasures of this world, for this would have the effect of Transform this body into that of a woman in the next life. The woman generally likes prosperity in the home, ornaments, furniture and clothing. She is satisfied if her husband can procure all these things to him. The relationship between man and woman is very complex, but the principle to be retained for the one who aspires to rise to the transcendent level of spiritual realization is that one must be very careful in dealing with a woman. However, in Krsna consciousness, such restrictions can be softened, for if man's attachment is not to the woman, and vice versa, but to Krsna, then they can, One as the other, extirpate from the rets of matter and reach the kingdom of Krsna. As the Bhagavad-gita proves, anyone who seriously adopts the Krsna Consciousness-whether it belongs to the lowest species, whether it be a woman or a man of lesser intelligence, such as a A simple merchant or a manual-will return to God, in his original abode, and reach the abode of Krsna. In short, man must not attach himself to woman, nor woman to man. Both must be attached to the service of the Lord. Thus both will have the possibility of freeing themselves from the chains of matter.





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