The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 146 of 728

We must shape our existence so that, gradually, the memory of the Lord marks every step of our lives. We must be perfectly aware that if the incarnated and conditioned soul is given the human form, it is for it to attain spiritual perfection.

God alone confers salvation, liberation. Human life is made to achieve self-realization, and spiritual realization. The human being should devote his entire existence to serving the Lord with a purely spiritual love and by the grace of God he will enter the kingdom of the Lord.

God, the Supreme Person is the original source of all that exists and the ultimate goal of existence is to know Him as He really is. The acquisition of true knowledge allows us to renew the relationship that unites us to God and to act solely according to this relationship. Such is the perfection of existence. Human life makes it possible to achieve mastery of one's senses, to have total control of them and thus to attain spiritual realization. To learn to know Krishna, the Supreme Lord, to love him, to obey him, to submit to him, to do his divine will, to serve him with love and devotion and to unite our interests with those of God is the true reason for existence.

To serve God with love and devotion is the perfection of existence.

Reincarnation is a reality, these six writings prove it.

The Supreme Lord had said, "Behold, I will send you the prophet Elijah before the coming of the day of the Lord, a great and fearful day." (Malachi 3:23)

Jesus said, "And if you want to believe me, John, Elijah was coming back." (Matthew 11.14)

"If anyone speaks against the son of man, he will receive forgiveness. But if he speaks against the Holy Spirit, he will not receive forgiveness, neither in this life, nor in the life that will come." (Matthew 12.32)

The Supreme Lord says: "At the moment of death, the soul takes on a new body as naturally as it has passed, in the previous one, from childhood to youth, then to old age. This change does not disturb who is aware of its spiritual nature.

The Supreme Eternal adds: "Every man indulges in various acts, whether or not they conform to the revealed scriptures. But know it, it is enough that one uses the fruit of such acts to adore Me in the consciousness of Krishna to be immediately blessed with a happiness which will be perpetuated in this life and in the next, in this world as in the world. 'other. On this, no doubt.





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