The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 154 of 728

Jealous souls must undergo transmigration continuously.

The Supreme Eternal says: "After many rebirths, when he knows that I am all that is, the cause of all causes, the man of true knowledge surrenders himself to Me. Rare such a great soul."

Our understanding is complete when we know Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. So ends our journey in the Material Universe.

The Lord adds: "He will not have to be reborn in the material universe; Leaving his body, he enters My eternal kingdom."

Krishna himself reveals to us the art of understanding and knowing him:

"Now listen. Here is how, fully aware of Me in the practice of yoga (of the bond that unites to God and of spiritual elevation) your mind related to Me, you will know Me whole, without any doubt."

If we come to know and understand Krishna perfectly, we will be reborn in the spiritual world. Since we are constantly changing bodies in an uninterrupted transmigration, we accumulate various experiences. However, if we remain firmly established in Krishna consciousness, we will not change anymore. All fluctuation ceases when we grasp our true identity: "I am the servant of Krishna; my duty is to serve him."

Perfection consists in obeying Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, and doing his will.

The laws of Nature want everything to be evaluated at the moment of death. After death, we find ourselves completely under the influence of Nature. We can not then dictate our will. Because they can not or do not want to understand this, people conclude that there is no life after death. The forms (the bodies) change, but not the life force, the soul. The forms change, but the person (the soul) that inhabits them is permanent, because it is eternal. Identifying herself with her body, she believes she is changing. The human form is specially designed for the blossoming of Krishna consciousness because this divine consciousness will allow us to find our eternal body of happiness and knowledge. The purpose of the Consciousness of Krishna or consciousness of God is to give us a body of the same nature as that of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person Himself. To know one's intimate relationship with the Lord is the supreme goal of human life. The consciousness of Krishna is the art of spiritualizing material activity, of increasing the degree of spiritual realization of the one who fulfills it, of knowing the universality of God and the relationship that unites us to Him.





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