The Pure Spiritual Science
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impossible to collect. It knows its existence only to the effects it produces. Though infinitely small, it has a tremendous power because it gives life to the body and anime.

The reflection of our desires.

Our body is the result of our inner desires. You can discover the desires of all individuals by the features of their body. This is the gross reflect a combination of desires that are more subtle elements. We get the body we want.We can use our desires to enjoy this material world or out to finally have a spiritual body. This will be liberated from this endless cycle of death and rebirth in this material world to know more, illness and old age.

The ephemeral body is entirely under the control of the immortal soul that lives and must take the form that it imposes its desires. Material nature shapes the body according to the desires of each living with art and unequaled. Whoever wants to eat garbage obtain an appropriate body, like that of a pig, and one who loves to feed on blood and flesh will become a tiger.

The beings are embodied in various material bodies but all them are foreigners. Depending on the form of enjoyment they covet and the cycle of evolution of species, they transmigrate from one body to another, from the forms of aquatic plant forms, plants, reptiles, reptiles to birds, birds to mammals terrestrial, to finally get a human form.

In this world, the nature forces us to transmigrate from one body to another according to our material desires. Every being, from microbe to perfect deva, has a body in accordance with his wishes. The intelligent man is not deceived by the various appearances of these bodies; he sees the contrary, the spiritual unity of all beings. She lives in a pig or a deva, the soul is always the same; it remains a tiny part of God. The desire to dominate material nature is evil plaguing the conditioned, fascinated by the pleasures of this world. He was forced to accept different material bodies.

The judicious coordination of astral influences is never a creation of the human will, but rests in the hands of higher authorities, the agents of the Supreme Lord. Of course, the arrangement of influences prevailing at the time of birth is determined based on past actions, good or bad, of the living. Hence the importance of virtuous or




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