The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 204 of 728

How to obtain the eyes that allow to see God, and how to be aware of Him at every moment of existence?

The Supreme Lord says, "You can not see Me with the eyes that are yours; I give you therefore the divine eyes with which you will be able to contemplate My inconceivable powers ".

God Himself shows us the way when He says, "From the water I am the flavor, from the sun and from the moon the light, from the Vedic mantras (hymns) the syllable om. I am the sound in the ether, and in the man the aptitude."

This word contains the knowledge which makes it possible to become fully conscious of Him, and to remain him in all the phases of his existence. Water, for example, is indispensable to every living being. And for those who are thirsty, its flavor is such that nothing equals it, and that no one can artificially reproduce its purity. So the taste of water will remind us of God. And since we can not avoid drinking every day, we can not forget God. This is the divine consciousness.

Of the nine different ways of getting in touch with God, the first is listening. By reading the original scriptures, we hear the words spoken by Lord Krishna, and also come into contact with God, for Krishna is God, the Supreme Person. The more we strengthen our contact with God by listening to the words of God and His holy names, the less the defilement inherent in material nature will take hold of us. We will understand that the sound vibrations, the light, the water, and all that surrounds us, are God. If it is possible for us to keep the memory of God, then our union with Him will be perpetual. To come into contact with God is like entering into contact with the sun: where it shines, no defilement is possible. Its radiation protects from any disease the one who exposes himself to it.

When we come into contact with God, our ills are immediately healed. Sing Hare Krishna makes us communicate with Him. We can also see Him in the sun and the moon, hear Him in the sound and taste it in the water. Nothing is more vain than to elaborate hypotheses on the nature of God, which is why the science of God advises to abandon all forms of speculation. He advises rather to become humble and submissive, realizing that we are tiny, but also that the earth on which we live is only a tiny point in the vast cosmos. Seeing his smallness in the face of the greatness of the cosmos and that of God, how can man make fun of vain pride?

We must receive the spiritual message of a realized soul, of a pure devotee of the Lord, his intimate servant, a spiritual master.





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