The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 218 of 728

Because it was created at a given moment, the body will be destroyed: all that was created a day must perish, such is the rule that applies to the material universe as the material body. But the soul does not perish, because it was never created, being a tiny fragment of the Supreme Personality.

Krishna, God says, "The soul knows neither birth nor death. Living, she will never stop being. Not born, immortal, original, eternal, it never had a beginning, and never will end. She does not die with the body.

"He who sits in the body is eternal, he can never be killed. You do not have to cry anyone."

The antimatter particle, the soul, therefore has attributes that are difficult to understand for human understanding, because in absolute contrast to what it usually knows. Original, older than any material element, antimatter keeps eternally fresh and youthful. Even placed in contact with material nature, she does not suffer the laws.

Krishna, God adds: "No weapon can split the soul, nor fire burn it; water can not wet it, nor the wind desiccate it. The soul is indivisible and insoluble; the fire does not reach it, it can not be dried up. She is immortal and eternal, omnipresent, unalterable and fixed. It is said of the soul that it is indivisible, inconceivable and immutable.

So here is how Krishna, God, the Supreme Person has portrayed the particle of antimatter, the spiritual soul, revealing its outstanding attributes. It also gives the description of a whole world of antimatter, located beyond the material universe. Everything is eternal, conscious, made of knowledge and happiness.

All the planets of the material universe are places of suffering.

The Supreme Lord says: "All the planets of the universe, from the most evolved to the lowest, are places of suffering, where birth and death follow one another. But for the soul that reaches My Kingdom, it is no longer rebirth.

The various spiritualists will all, at one time or another, have to attain devotional perfection, in the service of devotion, if they wish to reach the absolute abode of God and never return to the material universe. Even those who reach the planets of celestial beings, of the inhabitants of the Edenic planets, the heaviest material planets, remain prisoners of the cycle of the dead and rebirths. Because, while some rise from the Earth to the Edenic planets, such as Brahmaloka, Candraloka, or




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