The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 223 of 728

The Supreme Soul, also called the Holy Spirit, and celestial beings see all our deeds.

The Supreme Lord says, "I know everything about what happened in the past and what will happen in the future."

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person says, "Because I am God, the Supreme Person, I know everything about the past, the present, and the future. I know all beings, but Me, nobody knows Me.

Our thoughts, words and actions produce effects that we will sooner or later have to endure the consequences, good or bad. Good and bad karma determine our future birth. The bad karma is generated mainly when one engages in the following four guilty activities: intoxication, the consumption of animal flesh, the illicit sex and the games of chance. But the bad karma is not limited to that, the head of the family to maintain his family or to fill his account in bank, in this material existence, is often ready to perform all sorts of illicit acts (bribes, embezzlement money, corruption, moonlighting, fake invoices, scams, robberies, murder, etc.). Those who do this think that if they fall through the cracks of the human laws, "That's it!". They can escape the justice of men, but not that of God.

However, what they do not know is that beyond human beings, according to the Vedic scriptures, the original scriptures also called "The true gospel" there are many witnesses of our acts: The celestial beings, the The Supreme Soul in person are all witnesses to the activities of the embodied being. If the being initially chooses to take birth, his condition is a condition of helplessness; he does not control his life and each of his acts is subject to the laws of karma. These rule all beings in the material world and are, especially in the Iron Age, the present age, the era of decadence, where human beings regularly break the principles of religion and classes. social, exacting, rigorous and ruthless. Influenced by the sentimental and popular version, some judge that talking about helplessness is too excessive and exaggerated. But this is not the case. The living being as soon as it is born is like a navigator, and often a shipwrecked, facing the ocean. He has no real control over his situation in the ocean. His situation is therefore a situation of helplessness.

Applied to karma and reincarnation, who can say the kind of body, the destination, the circumstances it will face in its next birth?

Will they be pleasant or disagreeable, favorable or fatal, peaceful or tormented, sources of happiness or misfortune?





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