The Pure Spiritual Science
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condition is very painful because a ghost has an intelligence, a mind, an ego, and he also wants to enjoy a full material existence. But the fact that he had more material body, he can not do anything, if not wander, and remains dissatisfied.

That those who decide to commit suicide do not do it, that's why. (Message to those who want to commit suicide bombings).

There is no valid reason to perform this gesture with fatal consequences. Those who commit suicide instantly lose their material body, which they are separated. Normally, when a person dies, it is reincarnated immediately.Excluding the suicide is deprived of physical body because of his act deeply guilty, and will have to wander alone for a long period or with other lost souls.

A person who commits suicide will become a wandering soul. She will live without material body, yet remain in his ethereal body. Wandering souls are not happy. They suffer a lot because they have no material body and can not do anything as before. In materialistic perfect, they can not enjoy life, satisfy their desires, eat, sleep, mate, enrich, raise goods, play etc. They become confused and created disorder because of their unfulfilled desires.They thus remain a close long time, before having the right to get a new body. Thank God, a heavenly being is they care for and supports.

Fighting against suicide

Suicide means that it takes the life to the body early. A special body has been given you to enjoy and suffer for some time, and all in agreement with your past relevant work (karma). As you suicidal, you take away the life your body before the date prescribed by God, you will still take another body, and in addition, the life in the latter body will be longer. You can not put an end to suffering in this way. The laws of nature are not to be taken lightly.Suicide never puts an end to suffering, for we will have to take another body to continue to suffer.

Suicide is a criminal act because we have not created our material body. It is a gift from God through material nature and we can not so decide, arbitrarily, to end it ourselves.

Otherwise, we risk suffering after death in a phantom body (subtle body (ethereal) and not coarse) as the incarnation in a gross body we will be denied. This is very painful for the person who finds himself in a phantom body must wander in a subtle body, knowing all desires experienced souls incarnated normally but not having the ability to satisfy his desires by means of a gross body.





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