The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 43 of 728

As long as we do not reach that level, we remain under the influence of matter. The Movement for Krishna Consciousness implies the total commitment of our senses in the service of the Lord, as opposed to the materialistic lifestyle that leads us to the simple satisfaction of our material senses.

Your third question is: "As you have explained in" Two Tests "in the same way that the body is covered with a shirt and a coat, so the soul is covered with the mind of intelligence and false ego. If this is true, where are the mind, intelligence and false ego? Who controls them? "the soul and mind control and intelligence. When she is released from the influence of matter, the soul controls the mind and the intellect differently than when it is subject to it.

In other words, when we grant the soul of characteristics such as being American or Indian, then it controls the mind and intelligence in accordance with this designation and acts accordingly. Similarly, when it is free from material designation and it puts itself in the service of Krishna, then it controls the mind and intelligence in this single purpose service. In fact, the soul must use the mind and intelligence to be at the service of others because that is its natural function. A servant must be at the service of a master. So when the soul is under the influence of matter, she agrees Maya as his master.

Maya is illusion. Considering themselves American Indian or anything else, the soul accepts Maya as his master. He who believes being American Indian or is under the influence of illusion. Therefore, our natural and perfect function is to render service to Krishna and control the mind and intelligence in this light. So the conclusion is that the soul, in either of these circumstances, still controls the mind and intelligence.

Fourth question: "The spiritual life, we Does leads How can we know whether we will or not, take rebirth in the next life?" Answer: The spiritual life leads us to our primordial state, free any material identification. The Bhagavad Gita calls this brahma-bhutah state. The state of brahma-bhutah frees us from all anxiety, all pain and covetousness. This state once achieved, it is then possible to think in terms of universal brotherhood. The next step is to engage fully in Krsna consciousness and approaching gradually the spirit world, where we find eternal life, all knowledge and bliss.

In other words, when the spiritual soul is freed from contamination or material designation, she no longer knows the transmigration into another material body after death. She then joined the spiritual world and abide in one of the spiritual planets




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