The Pure Spiritual Science
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perilous pilgrimage through the material universe. Thus, all life is sacred and should never be intentionally destroyed.

The pure spiritual science states that the living soul that is part of God exists in all life forms. Fools believe that the animal has no soul. This belief rests on no rational basis. The animal has a soul. This mentality currently ruin civilization. People are so degraded that they think that the embryo has no soul and abortion. Now the embryo has a soul in it, and abortion is a crime. Allah informs us that everyone has a soul, that it lives in all life forms, human, animal and plant.

The individual soul evolves from a lower body in a higher form; this is what is meant by spiritual evolution. After reaching the human form, the soul can understand the teachings of the pure spiritual science and, if they so desire, to surrender to the Lord to return to Him in His eternal kingdom. Otherwise, it will remain in this material world to undergo repeated tribulations of birth, disease, old age and death. It will then be reincarnated repeatedly and suffer every time.

What is original sin?

This is disobedience, refusal to serve Jehovah. The man of pride will wonder why serve a master?

The living being is eternally part of God, and his duty is to serve Him. When thinking: Why serve God, he is blind and ignorant.

The fact wish to be our own master, and Enjoy life as we understand it, cause our downfall. Original sin is to refuse to serve the Lord and seek to usurp his position. The demonic miscreants, for example, are struggling to become God or without him, despite their limited knowledge, their imperfect philosophy and their ignorance of the truth, they believe that they will succeed. If we could become God through meditation, material wealth or military power, the word God would lose all meaning. Seek to become God, that is the original sin, which marks the beginning of an imperfect existence, confinement in the material universe and know it, because of our actions and interested guilty, suffering life after life.

Fascinated by the illusory energy of material nature, the individual soul (individual) comes into this world to satisfy his senses. The Lord does not want her to come there, but it is driven by selfish desires. God grants liberty to those who obey him and apply his directives. Sometimes they have the powers of angels, but because of their




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