Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
Page 95 of 103

In this age of discord, strife, hypocrisy and sin, the only instrument of deliverance is the song of the Holy Name of the Lord. There is no other path to success.

In three of the four ages, namely, the Satya-yuga or the golden age, the Treta-yuga or the silver age and the Dvapara-yuga or the copper age, people held honorable to pursue transcendence through disciplic succession [from spiritual master to disciple]. But in the age in which we live, under the influence of Kali, we lose interest in disciplic succession, preferring many ways invented from scratch under the sign of logic and argument.

This ascending approach to transcendence, however, is not sanctioned by the Vedas, for Absolute Truth [Krishna] can only descend from the absolute plane.

The Holy Names of the Lord:

Hare Krishna, hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, hare hare / Hare Rama, hare Rama, Rama Rama, hare hare;

Constitute a transcendental sound vibration, because they emanate from the absolute plane, from the supreme realm of Krishna. As there is no difference between Krishna and his Name, the latter is as pure, perfect and liberated as Krishna Himself.

Neither logic nor any other form of argument can enable theorists to understand the absolute nature of the Holy Name of the Lord. The only way to know the transcendental nature of the hymn;

Hare Krishna, hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, hare hare / Hare Rama, hare Rama, Rama Rama, hare hare,

consists in chanting or reciting these Names with faith and dedication, this practice having the effect of freeing us from the denominational conditions related to the material and ethereal bodies.

In this age under the sign of logic, argumentation and disagreement, the chanting of the Hare Krishna hymn imposes itself as the only means of achieving spiritual realization, and since only this absolute vibration can deliver the conditioned soul, it is held to be the essence of the Vedanta-Sutra.

According to the material conception of existence, there is duality between the name, form, attributes, emotions and activities of a person, and the person himself. However, no such limitation applies to the absolute vibration, because it descends from the spiritual world, where there is no difference between a person and the attribute of that person which is his name, even if such difference does exist in the material universe. Unable to understand this, the Mayavadi philosophers remain unable to emit the transcendental vibration.




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