Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 307 of 624

If all human beings without exception all over the world do not come to their senses, do not change fashion of thought, word, action and among them, those who indulge in abortion, irreligion, materialism, atheism, racism, the mind clouded by hatred, permanent anger, pride, avarice, selfishness, excessive envy, duplicity, dishonesty, incivility, deceit laughter, deceit, misfortune, discord, in short wickedness in all its forms,

If all governments and all human beings around the world do not now decide to obey God and apply his divine laws and commandments, and not to harm any living being anywhere in the world, all human beings whatever they may be, all terrestrial, crawling, flying, aquatic animals, and all plants in their diversity, because everyone has the right to live,

then another pandemic will occur in the future, even more dramatic, which will wreak even more havoc by stopping the materialist economy and the killing of innocent animals. This time it will force all mankind to change course, to follow and apply the advice and guidance of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

If the present civilization continues to behave as it does, and to not to listen to the Lord, the time will soon come when God, the Supreme Person, will take away all material facilities from human beings. Then people will come to their senses.

When the nation is ruled by the principles mentioned above, then the consciousness of God naturally spreads everywhere, for the good of all living beings, humans, animals and plants.

Our eternal duty is to serve God, and to please Him

Let us surrender ourselves to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, unite our interests with His, our will with His, renew the bond which unites us with Him, let us obey Him wholeheartedly, spontaneously, immediately, and serve Him with love and devotion, this is our eternal duty.

To serve Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is the manifestation of love for God, and the perfection of existence.

In truth, all the holy beings who live with Krishna, God, the Supreme and Sovereign Person in his kingdom, all of knowledge, bliss and eternity, act and behave quite naturally in this way. Their hearts are filled with love for God, and Krishna gives them this sublime love.

Existence has no other purpose than to satisfy God, to make him happy, to make him happy. So on earth already, let's all do this.

Why when God gives signs to men, such as covid-19, they simply do not want to listen to him and follow him?

The Eternal Supreme said:




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