Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 308 of 624

If they don't believe you, and pay attention to the first sign, they will believe that last sign. If they do not believe even these two signs and do not listen to your voice, you will take water from the Nile… which will become blood on the dry land.

(Exodus 4.8)

They listen to your words, but do not put them into practice.

(Ezekiel 33.32)

As the rain and the snow come down from the heavens and do not return there without having watered, made the earth fruitful, and caused plants to germinate, without to have given seed to the sower and bread to him who eats, so also is My word, which proceeds out of My mouth. It does not return to Me without effect, without having carried out My will and accomplished My purposes.

(Isaiah 55: 10-11)

I will punish the world for its wickedness, and the wicked for their iniquities. I will put an end to the pride of the haughty, and I will overthrow the arrogance of the tyrants. (Isaiah: 13.11)

I speak through My servants, and fulfill their promises and their threats, because the future is in My hands. (Isaiah 44.26)

Let all the earth fear the Lord. Let all the inhabitants of the world tremble before Him, for He says, and it happens, He commands, and she exists.

(Psalms 33: 8-9)

Joshua's warning:

Here is that I will soon be leaving this world. Now acknowledge it with all your heart and with all your soul, that not one of all the promises of the Lord your God has been left without effect; they have all come true.

Now, as all the promises which the Lord your God had spoken to you have been fulfilled, so the Lord will fulfill all threats, until He destroyed you on this earth.

(Joshua 23: 14-15)

Logos 362

Goto table of logos

Whoever kills a human being or an animal will be killed in his turn.

Those whose job it is to kill thousands of animals, such as slaughterhouse priests and professional fishermen, so that others can buy the flesh to eat, should expect to suffer the same fate as these animals, life after life. It will be the same for all hunters, fishermen and all people who kill an animal, for whatever reason. In truth, there is no justification for taking the life of a living being, human, animal or plant.




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