The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
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Justice as it should be.

True justice, of which God is the initiator and propagator, is based on its divine nature, law, impartiality, equity, morality, virtue, ethics, harmony and peace.

It is based on divine laws and commandments. It applies to all beings, without distinction of color of skin, race, ethnic origin, people, nation, and makes no difference between man and woman, the great and the small, the powerful and the weak.

It maintains the honor of each person, honesty, integrity, respect for the other, kindness, compassion, tolerance, benevolence, the share reserved for each person, and the equitable sharing of property, resources and land. It punishes evil in all its forms.

It is because men no longer respect God, the laws of God, no longer apply their spiritual duties, and because spirituality is failing, that disorder, unhappiness, suffering, hatred, wickedness, epidemics and war reign over all the earth.

Even 5,000 years ago, men loved and honored God, respected and applied divine laws, divine rites, and gave glory to the Lord of lords, Krishna, God, the Supreme and Sovereign Person.

At that time, the spiritual master, the woman, the child, the old man and the cow were protected, the whole society derived many benefits from it, and lived in peace. Spirituality animated all humanity.

It is the model that God had instituted, it is the one that we too must adopt and apply.

The human being can escape the justice of men, that of God is simply impossible.

Divine justice through karma, the law of action-reaction or law of cause and effect, which is one of its formidable levers, sooner or later and certainly accomplishes its work.

This is how the criminal liars, were they powerful, even if they would multiply the deceits to maintain themselves in power, or to have their inept and iniquitous laws adopted, they will not be able to escape divine justice.

It is the same for the just, the honest, the upright, whom the powerful muzzle or imprison to prevent him from revealing inconvenient truths. Divine justice will come into action, and will do justice to the just.

The hidden truths will be revealed to the multitude.

Reassure the multitude and the families of the victims of criminal actions, tell them that if justice has not been rendered to their loved one by the justice of men, divine justice will take care of it, may they be confident.




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