The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 332 of 728

We all owe a debt to God, the wise men, our ancestors and our parents.

The Lord specifies to this effect: “Each man owes a debt to those who fathered him, from whom he received human form, this body who can grant him all the benefits of material existence”. According to the original scriptures, “the true gospel”, the human form allows for innumerable acts of religion. It makes it possible to fulfill a thousand desires, to accumulate great wealth. But above all, she, and she alone, offers to obtain the liberation of material existence. The body being the product of the combined efforts of the father and the mother, each man must feel indebted to his parents, and a debt that he will never be able to pay. If it happens, once grown up that the son neglects his parents, fails to satisfy them by his acts or by the gift of his goods, let us be certain that he will be punished for it after death by Yamaraja (the lord of death and judge of the guilty). If someone who is able to do so neglects to take care of and protect their elderly parents, as well as their children, their spiritual master, spiritual guides and others dependent on them, holds for already dead, even if he is still breathing”.

In truth, all human beings from birth incur a debt to God, the great sages, the ancestors, men in general and many other beings for the various benefits they have received from them. Everyone is therefore obliged to pay their debts as a token of their gratitude.

As soon as it is born, the living being contracts three debts, towards the great sages, the celestial beings and his father. It is written, the son of a sage must go through a period of celibacy in order to settle his debts to the holy men, he must perform ritual ceremonies to fulfill his obligations to heavenly beings, and he must ensure his descendants in order to settle the debt he contracted with his father. Each of us has certainly contracted a debt to celestial beings, all living beings, family, ancestors, wise men, parents. But the one who surrenders completely to Krishna, the one who can grant release, is released from all these obligations, even if he makes no sacrifice. Even if he does not repay any of his debts, he is released if he renounces the material world for the love of the Sovereign Lord, who is the refuge of all beings. Whoever abandons all his material duties and takes full refuge with krishna, God, the Supreme Person, the protector of all, no longer has any debt to heavenly beings, the great sages, ordinary living beings, parents, friends, humanity or even ancestors.





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